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Discover fun ways to save and spend wisely with Kirby

children joing hands in celebration.

Helping Others Feels Good!

Giving to others, like sharing toys, food, or clothes, helps people who don’t have as much. When we help, we make others happy—and that makes us feel good inside too! Even small acts of kindness can make the world a better place for everyone.

Kirby Joke

illustration of a box filled with coins and hearts.

Why did the penny join a charity?

— It wanted to make a change!

How do you help others?

illustration of girl packing boxes to donate to charity.
How do you help others?

Kirby's Giving Story

One afternoon Kibry went over to his friend Colby's house for a visit. Whe Kirby got there he saw that Colby was busy cleaning up his room. 

"Wow Colby, you sure have a lot of toys!" Kirby said looking around the room. 

"I used to have even more!" Colby said as he picked up a toy. " I sold a lot of my other toys when I was trying to save up to buy my bike, and I still have more that I don't play with anymore." Colby looked to Kirby and said "I don't know what to do should I just throw them away?" 

"NO WAY!" Kirby replied. "There are places you can donate your toys that you don't play with anymore." 

"What does donate mean?" Colby asked. "It means to give something to a person or group so that they can use it." Kirby told Colby. 

Colby was still a bit confused "So when I let you use my markers yesterday in class that was me donating them to you?" “No, I just borrowed your markers and then gave them back to you, when you donate you give it away for good." Kirby explained. 

"Oh so it is like when my family donates food to the food pantry to help people who are hungry." Colby looked to Kirby as they a started to organize the toys in bins to keep or donate.

"Exactly, we can even donate our time with volunteering." Kirby said smiling at Colby. "I volunteer! I love helping at the animal rescue, where I got my dog buzz" 

“That’s great, Colby! I want to come volunteer there with  you sometime.”

“So I already donate my time and now I’m donating some  of my things,” Colby smiled. “I think I like giving!” “Let’s find more places to volunteer and give! We can give throughout the whole year!” exclaimed Colby. 

“That’s a great idea, Colby,” Kirby said.  “I’m glad I have such a kind friend!”

Kirby Story

Saving Topics

Make Small Savings Goals

Saving money is like planting seeds for your dreams to grow! When you save, you're preparing for exciting adventures and big goals ahead. So, let's be smart with our pennies and watch our dreams bloom into reality!

Giving Back

Remember, being kind and generous feels super awesome! Sharing what you have with others spreads happiness and makes the world a brighter place. So, let's team up and make kindness our superpower! 

Being Responsible

Just like taking care of your room or things that are important to you, being responsible with money means taking care of our pennies, nickels, and dimes! It's about making sure you know where something is the next time you want to use it. That means not spending it all at once on treats, but saving some for later when we really need it.So, let's be money superheroes and always remember to use our money wisely!

Earning Money

Just like grown-ups have jobs, we can also do little jobs to earn money. Helping out around the house with chores or extra tasks, maybe we help set the table for dinner, walk the dog, or tidy up our room. Every little job you do can help to earn money, and then you can use that money to buy things you want or save it for something really special!