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Discover fun ways to save and spend wisely with Kirby

small child wearing a suit working on a computer

Different ways people are paid

There are different ways people can earn money, called income. Some jobs pay a salary, which means you get the same amount of money every week or month, no matter how many hours you work. Other jobs pay wages, which means you earn money for every hour you work. Some people get paid in tips, which are extra money from happy customers for doing a great job. And some jobs pay commissions, which means you earn money based on how much you sell or do, like selling a car or helping someone buy a house.

Kirby Joke

illustration of a snowman with a red scarf and black tophat

What do snowmen eat for breakfast?

— Frosted Flakes

Favorite Winter Activity

illustration of children in winter clothes playing in the snow.
What's the coolest part of winter?

Kirby Christmas Eve Adventure

The fireplace crackled and hissed and sent out sparks of warmth from within the blaze. Kirby and his parents sat around the living room with their newly decorated Christmas tree glittering in the dark of the nighttime. He had just spent the best afternoon ever with his parents preparing for Christmas Eve. Kirby was so excited for Christmas to come, especially since his parents had not stopped talking about how much money they saved in their credit union savings accounts for Kirby's gifts! Kirby had also helped with this by buying less snacks and toys, remembering and waiting for an amazing Christmas morning full of presents! The more money Kirby and his parents saved in their accounts, the more interest they earned. Interest is a cash reward from the bank that your savings account is in. All this helped Kirby's parents pick out wonderful surprises for him! Kirby couldn't wait! The next morning Kirby woke up and looked out the window to find that it had snowed! This was going to be an amazing day! Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Kirby ran to answer it. It was his friend Lilly! She was wondering if he wanted to sled down the neighbourhood hill with her. "The weather is perfect for it today! The snow is fresh and the hill isn't even crowded!" She had said. Kirby thought about this for a moment. He really wanted to go sledding with Lilly, but he also did not want to miss the fun day that he had planned with his parents. Suddenly he had an idea! He took $50 that he had from his credit union account that he saved for only special occasions and paid for Kirby, his parents, and Lilly and her family to all go ice skating. This way he could spend Christmas Eve with both of them. His savings account had saved Christmas Eve! He couldn't wait to see what presents it would bring him tomorrow.

Story submitted by Kirby Kangroo Club member: Michelle!

Kirby Story

Saving Topics

Make Small Savings Goals

Saving money is like planting seeds for your dreams to grow! When you save, you're preparing for exciting adventures and big goals ahead. So, let's be smart with our pennies and watch our dreams bloom into reality!

Giving Back

Remember, being kind and generous feels super awesome! Sharing what you have with others spreads happiness and makes the world a brighter place. So, let's team up and make kindness our superpower! 

Being Responsible

Just like taking care of your room or things that are important to you, being responsible with money means taking care of our pennies, nickels, and dimes! It's about making sure you know where something is the next time you want to use it. That means not spending it all at once on treats, but saving some for later when we really need it.So, let's be money superheroes and always remember to use our money wisely!

Earning Money

Just like grown-ups have jobs, we can also do little jobs to earn money. Helping out around the house with chores or extra tasks, maybe we help set the table for dinner, walk the dog, or tidy up our room. Every little job you do can help to earn money, and then you can use that money to buy things you want or save it for something really special!