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Ways to Save Money on Your Living Space

woman with boxes moving into a space.
Furnished options

Most dorms and a lot of apartments come fully furnished. This is something to consider because it could save you a significant amount of money. Completely furnishing an apartment with a living room, bedroom, desk, and storage can add up really quick! In this case it would be smart to take advantage of an already furnished option.

On the other hand, if the fully furnished apartment is a significant amount more, it could make sense to look at furniture you already have or could buy used items from someone for a good price. This depends on the apartment prices and individual situations but make sure it’s something you take into consideration.

Buy from other students

Every semester students graduate and end up with a lot of extra items on their hands, including furniture! Asking around to see what people won’t need after they graduate is a good place to start. Likely, they don’t need the furniture anymore and will not charge nearly as much as the same item would cost in the store. Another place to look are websites, social media, and thrift stores to see what people are selling to save money.


You don’t have to be crafty to save money on your space. My dad used an old fish tank stand and a piece of wood to make a desk. Decorations are something you can make at home and save money on. A string with some clothes pins to hang pictures, a homemade, tie-dyed tapestry, or some old movie posters can make any room feel like home for a low price. The options are endless and much cheaper than buying them from the store.

Wait for the sale

Furniture is in high demand in the fall because it is move-in season. It may be a good idea to buy the furniture you know you’ll need before or after the back-to-school rush. A lot of things are on sale after the rush, around October, or after the year ends in June. Planning ahead or waiting a little bit to buy furniture and other move in items could save a lot of money.

Coordinate with your roommates

Before buying anything, check in with your roommates and family members to see what you or they might already have. Especially big ticket items like kitchen supplies, couches, and TVs would save a lot of money if you could skip buying. They may have extra items that you need like shower curtains or chairs that you could possibly borrow or buy off of them if they’re not using it. If nobody has anything to bring, coordinate buying household items with them like spices, silverware, and other things you may share. Doing this will cut the price in half.

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Content By: Ever Green